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Welcome to, the hub of civic engagement in our community! This digital platform is not just a website; it is a space where people like you can work together and share insights regarding government activities in our midst. Your enthusiasm and participation are vital in helping us drive meaningful discourse and keeping everyone informed. Thank you for being an integral part of our beloved community.

News and Information

The Arlington Heights Town Square is inviting all residents to share their thoughts, concerns, and suggestions as part of their commitment to transparency and community engagement.

Fostering Accountability, Building Trust

We value your opinions, and this platform thrives on the participation of residents who share useful information, engage in discussions on local issues, and promote community involvement. We believe in working together, and thus, urge you to not only keep yourself updated but also to share your views, experiences, and perspectives. Our collective efforts can help build a more responsive, transparent, and engaged local government.

Population (yr 2021)
1 %

Join the AH Town Square

As you navigate through the Arlington Heights Town Square, remember that this platform is a reflection of the vibrant tapestry of our community. Your participation drives this initiative, turning it into a true digital town square where concerns are addressed, ideas are exchanged, and the community grows stronger through shared knowledge.